Friday, April 17, 2009

Meet Klepto Jack the Cat Burglar on CNN. He is very funny. We once owned a dog that brought home clothes from all over the neighborhood.

When I was a young boy growing up on St. Simons Isl. Georgia, we had a White Cocker Spaniel named Sissy (#2) that would bring home clothes from all over the neighborhood and island. We would always have an clothes line full of unmatching shoes, clothes, underwear and even a black bra. When a neighbor's child hobbled over to retrieve one of her missing shoes, Mother had enough and gave Sissy to our housekeeper. Before Mother gave Sissy away, the dog came home with a paper milk carton on her head. I yelled for mother to see Sissy before I was able to pull the carton off. To this day, I do not know how that ever happened and I still laugh about that dog.


  1. *giggles*

    From Tabby:
    I'm going to be visiting every other Friday starting this coming one, at an assisted-living facility. Mommy and I went there already once, just to get acquainted with the staff and the building, and the residents already were lining up to pet me and have me sit on their laps. *purrs*

  2. Dear PDX pride,

    Jim and I are so thrilled that you are becoming a Therapy Cat. If you want to become certified and registered or just have questions, please feel free to contact me or my owner/trainer. Got to go finish taking my cat nap. Ciao, Meow and Bye Yeow.

    Love and Purrs,

    Princess Sugar Pie

  3. Dear PDX pride,

    I'm so proud of you and congrats on your becoming a "SARA"
    Therapy Cat very soon. I just read your comment in Figaro's Blog concerning the stroller issue. Got to go Neow. Until next time. Ciao, Meow and bye Yeow.

    Love and Purrs,

    Princess Sugar Pie

  4. Hello Princess Sugar Pie!
    I am so glad to hear from you on my bloggy. I really wish that Delta was not so silly about strollers, they are the BEST! But the library I visit said I have to have "insurance" in order to visit, and I have some through Delta (I am not sure what it is for, just in case I make an accident on top of a book?). I would like to look into SARA certification - does it last forever or do you have to renew it?
    - Figaro
